President George Bush appearing all over the corporate media last week (supposedly to push his book on paintings) has stirred up a lot of PTSD among GOP voters.
Suddenly Bush was everywhere on TV being praised by leftists - simply because he has no problem saying that he didn't like President Trump. The Bush clan continues to be irate publicly that GOP voters rejected Jeb Bush back in 2016. How dare they!
Bush also admitted that he was working with the Koch Network to pass an amnesty bill with "key Republicans" and the Biden Administration.
That's the sort of statement that gives the whole game away, doesn't it?
You can see the deal Bush must have cut with the Left: if they rehabilitate him in corporate media, he will spearhead the mass amnesty bill the uniparty's big donors want.
What GOP voters should remember is that it was Bill Clinton & George H. W. Bush who gave our manufacturing jobs to China. They passed: NAFTA & the WTO.
Th globalist wing of the Republican party is what led us into the ditch from which President Trump was pulling us out.
All the history books on the Bush clan will have to be rewritten.