Emerald Robinson
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Interview of the Day: Archbishop Vigano Speaks Again!

“The Great Reset” is an expression coined a few years ago by the Masonic elite that dominates the world. It means a sort of global revolution that has been decided on by this elite in order to “reset” the entire social fabric, imposing a series of changes on the masses that are intended to prepare for the reign of the Antichrist, which in the absence of calamitous events would be difficult to have democratically adopted with their consent. The ideals of a better world, respect for the environment, fraternity between peoples, and inclusivity are only a hypocritical and deceptive way of delivering this revolution and cloaking it with an alleged nobility of purpose which in practice hides the true ends of the elite: by their own admission, “nothing will be as it was before.”

The elite which promotes the Great Reset is composed of the main world organizations, from Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum to the O.N.U., from the Trilateral Commission to the Bilderberg Group, with the support of their servants in governments, high finance, multinational corporations, and the media. This process has gone on for centuries, led by the great dynasties of capital such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who heavily interfere in the politics of nations thanks to their immeasurable wealth.

The matrix is essentially Masonic, both in the principles they express as well as the hatred they display towards religion, and even more towards Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we consider the requests promoted by the supporters of the Great Reset, we can trace them back to the triad of the French Revolution and Freemasonry: liberty, equality, and fraternity. Any Catholic who is instructed by the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiffs knows what infernal subversion is implied by these principles: liberty means rebellion against the Sovereignty of God and His Holy Law; equality places all people on the same level, the lowest, denying the differences and individuality of each person, and above all annulling the fundamental distinction between those who recognize Christ as the One God and Lord and those who reject Him; and finally fraternity seeks to establish a society in which men can be brothers without any reference to the divine paternity of God or belonging to the family of the redeemed in Christ.

Let us consider an important thing: man is made in the image of God in the sense that he reflects, in his faculties, the attributes of the Most Holy Trinity: the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son, the love of the Holy Spirit. The Great Reset wants to overturn this connatural correspondence of man with his Creator, Lord, and Redeemer in a blasphemous parody: unhinging his memory, distorting his intellect, and perverting his will.

Everything that is done in the name of globalist ideology has this unacknowledged but very evident purpose: we must no longer remember our past and our History, we must no longer know how to recognize Good and Evil, we must no longer desire virtue and reject vice; indeed, we are driven to condemn the Good as intolerant and to approve Evil as a liberation and redemption from Christian morality. And if God is rejected as Father, there must no longer be paternity even in the natural order, because natural fatherhood is a mirror of divine paternity. This is why there is this theological hatred against the natural family and against unborn life. If God did not die for us on the Cross, there must be no more suffering, no more pain, no more death, because in pain we are able to understand the meaning of sacrifice and accept it for love of Him who shed His Blood for us. If God is not Love, there must no longer be love among men but only fornication and the satisfaction of pleasures, because if we desire the good of others, we are led to share with them the most precious gift that we have, Faith, and we cannot abandon them to fall into the Abyss in the name of a perverse concept of freedom. They are not atheists; they do not deny that God exists; rather, they hate Him, just as Lucifer hates Him.

More here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/new-interview-archbishop-vigano-discusses-the-great-reset-gives-hope-in-light-of-our-lady-of-fatima

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