Bill Barr has a big problem: he sabotaged the Trump Administration.
The problem is: everybody knows it. Nobody trusts him. The Right can't stand him & the Left hates him.
He wants to rehab himself. So he goes to Jon Karl at ABC to pander to Democrats by turning on Trump in the pages of The Atlantic Monthly.
Barr wants credit for keeping the DOJ from investigating voter fraud after the 2020 election. Barr also wants people to know that Mitch McConnell encouraged him to do nothing about voter fraud.
Karl's article confirms that Trump knew Barr was part of the problem after the election. Trump asked Barr why he had not prosecuted Comey or done anything about Spygate. Barr apparently has no answers for these obvious questions.
It’s obvious now that Bill Barr came out of retirement to protect the DOJ/FBI from accountability for Spygate, including slow-walking Durham investigation, not prosecuting the guilty agents & burying Hunter Biden laptop before the election. He also failed to keep Jeffrey ...