Emerald Robinson
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Article of the Day: Michigan Rep. Rendon Says She Has Proof of Fraud

"Rendon said that she became especially concerned about the integrity of the November election after she reviewed the Assessment of Halderman Expert Report dated March 26, 2021, by James Thomas Penrose, IV and Jeffrey Lenberg."

"Rep. Rendon explained that the Penrose-Lenberg report details wireless modems that were allegedly installed in the voting machines they examined. According to the MI lawmaker, the wireless modems could be connected by a “hot-spot” on a mobile phone. The report also identifies two foreign IP addresses that were found on the hard drive of the voting machine they examined. One of the IP addresses was from a learning center in Taipei, Taiwan, the other was from Nuremberg, Germany. Daire told us that she’d like to see her fellow lawmakers take this report and other similar, credible reports seriously, as she believes it’s their responsibility to safeguard the integrity of our elections."


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